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    Duke Divinity School Auditor Application (For People Not Currently Enrolled)

    Before filling out this form, please note that faculty permission is required to audit. Please contact the professor by email to seek permission (if you have not yet done so). You will be required to upload a .pdf of the email or letter from the course professor giving you permission to audit this course before this form may be submitted.
    1. The student will receive a NetID at the email provided on their application, allowing the student access to Sakai/Canvas (online database where professors distribute course materials) as well as resources in the library.

    2. The auditing student will be billed for the $750 audit fee ($375 audit fee Duke Divinity School alumna/us) and may pay the fee or ask questions about billing by contacting the Bursar's office of Duke University ( or

    If the auditing student withdraws after drop/add period, no amount of the $750 fee ($375 fee Duke Divinity School alumna/us) will be reimbursed.

    Note: Auditors are exempt from payment of student health fees unless they elect to use student health services while enrolled as an auditor. Also, auditors will not normally carry university health and accident insurance unless they elect to do so. However, if an auditor takes 3 or more courses per semester, then both the student health services and insurance programs are required. Students taking hybrid format courses may not elect university health and accident insurance or use student health services.