FinTech: A New Master's Program at Duke University
Hello and welcome to today's overview on fintech anew Masters program at Duke University in the Prout School of engineering on Susan Brown Anne. I'm here with doctor Jimmy lens. Jimmy thank you for coming today. Thank you for having me I really appreciate it excellent could you give our listeners an overview of your background? Certainly I have been working in financial technology really all my career, but we didn't have a cool name like Fintech, I started off as a trader electronic trader trading equities and derivatives.
Some algorithmic trading and then moved into risk management and some quantitative analysis and finally into let the Predictive Analytics. For one of the large financial services firms and now course I'm here at Duke and we're glad to have you here? That's wonderful? Can you give us an overview of the new Masters of engineering program in financial technology. Sure, the program is made for people that are interested in finance and financial technology.
And to move into that realm. This provides the people with technical background with the financial skills and financial experience financial knowledge to move right into those roles. So no no sort of ramp up time or anything like that. They can actually go to work right out of school absolutely that's great and we have here I program overview. Like all master of engineering programs. These students will take 2 core business courses in business fundamentals and management in high tech industry, though.
Also, take 4 core financial technology courses completed industry internship complete a financial technology. Cat Stone course and choose electives from either a technology trap or technology management track and one of the things I'm really excited by is the fact that we have this capstone program and not only do we have capstone program. It's in the engineering school and that's where this should be is in engineering. They'll get to work with real clients on real world problems something that you just not going to get to experience in other places.
That's a good point.
And we have here at typical schedule this program can be completed in about a year and a half.
So what kind of career opportunities could a student who completes this program, look into this is a really, really good question. I think the opportunities are broad here and they really span. The gamut from legacy. Financial services firms to think you're big banks and wealth management companies things like that, but also a lot of the Fintech companies so think about all the digital payments. Companies think about some of the new trading firms algorithmics. Trading is a perfect spot and then there are.
Areas like the Blockchain and some of the digital currencies people coming out of here will be just set to go into those kind of roles. Lastly, I would be really disappointed, it if we don't have at least 1 or 2 students start their own companies right seems like the opportunities are endless for this program, they really are.
So what what applicants are right for this, this kind of program that's a great question, we have designed the program so that different kinds of people can come into it. Obviously were in the engineering school, so engineers, but also people with a computer science background. Physics math statistics. Econometrics and even economics excellent and we have here application deadlines for the summer 2020 admission term.
Jimmy I wanted to thank you for your time here today. If anyone has questions they are. Welcome to contact us at Pratt underscore Masters at Duke data you.
Thank you.